The role of the media in shaping the future of the European Union
The role of the media in shaping the future of the European Union is an event organized by the Doctoral School of International Relations and European Studies, European Paradigm in…
The role of the media in shaping the future of the European Union is an event organized by the Doctoral School of International Relations and European Studies, European Paradigm in…
Andreia Neșu is Ph.D. student at the Physics Doctoral School – BBU. She works in the area of medical physics under the supervision of Professor Vasile Chis from the Department…
The Doctoral School “History. Civilization. Culture ”, from the Babeș-Bolyai University will organize between 9-10th of April the WORKSHOP: History and literature: the model of interdisciplinarity. The event will be…
The „Dialogue of Contemporary Arts” Association (Association Dialogue des Arts Contemporaines), an association founded in Marrakech, Morocco, in 2016, organizes this year, the first International online/virtual Exhibition (which normally took…
“Sapienza” University of Rome offers 70 three-year-full-time postgraduate Ph.D. positions with fellowship for attaining the degree of “Dottore di Ricerca” (Ph.D.) in one of the Ph.D. courses listed in appendix.…
The research in the Rise Project is focused on the Viennese Faculty of Theology’s first years at the end of the 14th century, as reflected in the notebook of Henry…
Gyopár Elekes is a first year student at the Doctoral School of Physics at the Babeș-Bolyai University. During her bachelor’s and master’s degrees she studied Engineering Physics and Computational Physics…
The Ph.D. School of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising is announcing the defense of a new thesis on Tuesday, March 23rd 2021 called Gamification Applied to User Interface. A Tool…
The Doctoral School of Philosophy from Babeș-Bolyai University invites submissions for the International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy that is going to take place online, on May 21-22 2021.…
Alin Henț is postdoctoral researcher at the Ph. D School ”History. Civilization. Culture” – BBU. The title of his Ph. D. thesis is: Identities of the past and the present:…