On June 8th, 2023, the Doctoral School of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising from the Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences of Babeș-Bolyai University hosted the defense of the Ph.D. thesis of the candidate Ion Negrilă. The research topic of this thesis, the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying faced by school and high school students in Romania, is timely and relevant. The work was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Ioan Hosu, Ph.D., and the research was conducted from the communication science perspective. The presentation was an excellent dialogue opportunity with the members of the committee, Prof. Cristina Gavriluță, Ph.D. from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, and Prof. Adrian Hatos, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ioana Iancu, Ph.D. from the UBB, and the chair of the committee, prof. Delia Balaban, Ph.D., about the role of communication and the use of technology to fight this phenomenon.