The doctoral program in Sociology (Ph.D.) at Babeș-Bolyai University focuses on fundamental and applied research of social structures and relationships. The program will help students develop core competencies in appropriation, application, generation and transfer of relevant knowledge about current social groups, social institutions, and social problems in a globalized world.

The doctoral studies represents the third cycle of the university studies offered at Babeş-Bolyai University and aim for the knowledge development through original scientific research. They allow the acquisition of a level 8 qualification from the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the National Qualifications Framework.

The doctoral school of Sociology within the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work organizes full-time and part-time doctoral studies. Frequent doctoral students benefit from a doctoral scholarship for a period of three years. All Ph.D. students are invited to be actively involved in the research projects carried out by the faculty members, as well as in the current teaching tasks: seminars and consultations for students.

The Doctoral School of Sociology focuses to stimulate advanced fundamental research, but also that of applicative-interventional character on various topics regarding the social area, both at microsocial and macrosocial level:

  • radiography of current facts (eg crime situation, marginalized groups, – social exclusion, domestic violence, social policies, daily dynamics of relations between local micro-communities, etc.);
  • description of processes from a dynamic perspective (longitudinal comparisons, comparisons between socio-economic environments, etc.).

Further information can be found on the official site:

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