This year the annual Universitaria consortium conference of the Ph.D. students for communication science and sociology fields is hosted online by the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Science (FSPAC). In the time frame December, the 10th-11th 2020, 32 papers authored by participants from the University of Bucharest, the Babeș-Bolyai University, theWestern University Timișoara, and the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași, will be presented and discussed together with Ph.D. coordinators from the above-mentioned institutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic is the focus of some of the papers and the perspectives are relevant for the field. Starting with the impact of health-related news-sharing on social media, analyzing the impact of disinformation during the last months, asking questions about how the environmental issues were covered lately by the media, and looking for creative ways to deal with the issues faced by the creative industries and especially the event sector, are only some of the topics that the Ph.D. students are talking about during the conference.
The future of radio, digital media, political communication, branding, and social media influencer advertising are among the topics of the presentations as well. The impact of migration on the scientific production of the Romanian scholars and the inclusive education of the children with disabilities are discussed by Ph.D. participants from the field of sociology.
The keynote speech entitled “The narrative of the gifted child in the media – characteristics and recommended teaching practice”, will be delivered by Assoc. Prof. Ornat Turin from the Gordon College Haifa, Israel. An online debate with participants both from the academia and the related industry on the future of the communication-related professions was streamed live on the @FSPAC Facebook account.