Octavia Cristina BorČ™ defended her PhD thesis entitled The Role of Ethics in image building and political brand development. Case studies: Romanian political leaders in the context of post-decembrist referendums on June 26, 2024, at the Doctoral School of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising. The PhD candidate developed in political science, and the PhD supervisor was Prof. Sandu Frunza, PhD from the Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences at Babes-Bolyai University.

The thesis pointed out that the political brand of Romanian politicians aimed to increase notoriety and create a positive image among

the electorate. The research reiterates these issues’ importance by presenting theoretical landmarks in the field and providing some crucial concepts alongside empirical research. Thus, the doctoral candidate showed an overall perspective of the referendums held in Romania and how political leaders use them to build their image. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to carry out a complex analysis of perceptions of political image.

The PhD work delved into a relevant and topical theme, contributing to the existing scholarship on the complexity of political leadership in post-Decembrist Romania. The research not only enriches the theoretical understanding of political communication but also offers practical implications for shaping effective political communication strategies and decisions.

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