Two of our PhD students, Olaru Ioana Gabriela and Incze Laura, from the Doctoral School of Administration and Public Policy, FSPAC, Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), together with their coordinator professor, Stanica Viorel Ion, from FSPAC, and studentes from FSPAC UBB, from Faculty of Business UBB, from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iasi and from the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucherest, went for three days (27-29 of May, 2024) in a practical experience in different localities from Salaj county, Romania.

They went to visit museums (Iuliu Maniu house; Ligia Alexandra Bodea Museum of Folk Art), private organisations such as: champagne factory and mushroom factory, they learn how to apply survey to locals, they assisted to an workshop related to tourism together with owners of guesthouses in the commune. Also, they had the chance to interact and discuss with representatives of public administration (from county level, from police, or from intercommunity development associations. This practical experience had the role to represent in a practical way to students the theoretical information that they learn in classes.

Our studentes had the role of coordinating all the activities, explaining to students how to apply surveys, but also they moderated open discussions between students and the representatives of public administration.

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