The International Graduate Conference in Communication was organized this year by the West University Timisoara. A group of PhD candidates from the Doctoral School Communication, PR, and Advertising of the Faculty for Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences with Prof. Delia Cristina Balaban (Bălaș) Ph.D. participated to this scientific event. The first year PhD students Silvestru Iulian Calinciuc and Septimiu Mădaș presented their research on sign language international communication, respectively communication on governmental institutions on social media. Paula Rațiu, also from the first year talked about how Romanians feel about the collective longing of past politics The second year PhD candidates Adelina Gâdar and Denisa Lăcătuș presented their research on bullying, respectively the role of Instagram and TikTok in gen Z’s informational landscape. Sonia Maloș, PhD candidate from the third year presented the results of a survey on adolescents’ usage of augmented reality filters on Instagram. Pentek Borbala showed participants the results of her qualitative analysis of the communication of the corporate governance. From the Doctoral School Politcal and Communication Science participated the PhD candidates Triantafyllos Gkaragkanis and Olivia Carmen Fizeșan, The discussions were interesting and contributed in enhancing the quality of the PhD research in communication.